Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Issues I should care about

I only use Snapchat, and you don't see many issues on there. Even when one comes up I usually skip over it, because I kind of despise current events.

Paris Bombings: I definitely do feel bad for paris, and for the families of everyone who died. However, I never wanted to dwell on it. It was definitely tragic, but I learned all I wanted to know very quickly. I hate Thinking about all of the death.

Starbucks: Something else I saw was Starbucks refusing to say Christmas. I noticed it mainly because of how unbelievably stupid it is. The fact that people would make a big deal about Starbucks cups is kind of hilarious to me. And for continuing to learn about it, what else is there to learn? People get mad about stupid things.

I also care very much about David Bowie, but I don't know what I could say about him that hasn't already been said.


  1. I agree the Paris bombing were tragic. It was nice to see so much support around the world following the attacks though. About the Starbucks thing, I hadn't heard that! It's true though, people get annoyed about silly trivial things..

  2. I personally agree with the Paris Bombing because although New York had the worst terrorist bombing during 9/11, people were killed in this devious act. Death is something that we cannot avoid, but people should not be killed because of hatred. I think it is terrible and no matter we should support other countries who has been a victim of this terrorist
